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Nuclear physics
1. The study of the nucleus of an atom is known as nuclear physics. As a result of this study, scientists have discovered ways of splitting the nucleus to release huge amounts of energy. There are two types of nuclear reactions: nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. A controlled nuclear reaction inside a power station can be used to provide heat and light for our homes.
2. Nuclear power stations use fission to produce their energy. Fast-moving atomic particles called neutrons are fired at the nucleus of an atom to split it. This splitting is called fission and it causes other atoms to split in a chain reaction. Some mass (the number of heavy particles inside an atom) is lost in the process. This is converted into large amounts of nuclear energy.
3. Nuclear fusion is a type of nuclear reaction that creates huge amounts of energy. It takes place naturally inside the sun, creating the heat energy that we need to survive on Earth. At temperatures of about 14 million C dgr. the nuclei of two hydrogen atoms fuse, or join together. In the process, some mass (the number of heavy particles inside an atom) is lost and converted into energy. Scientists are trying to develop this form of nuclear reaction as a safer alternative to the nuclear fission that takes place in power stations.

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Both fusion and splitting of nuclei …

generate nuclear energy

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Утверждение «Both fusion and splitting of nuclei…» («Как слияние, так и расщепление ядер…») следует закончить вариантом ответа «generate nuclear energy» («производят ядерную энергию»), так как именно это утверждение соответствует содержанию текста.
Согласно тексту: «Nuclear power stations use fission to produce their energy. Fast-moving… neutrons are fired at the nucleus of an atom to split it. This splitting is called fission» («Атомные электростанции используют распад для производства своей энергии. Быстро движущиеся… нейтроны направляются в ядро атома, чтобы расщепить его. Это расщепление называется распадом…» – фрагмент 2), а также «Nuclear fusion… creates huge amounts of energy… At temperatures of about 14 million C dgr. the nuclei of two hydrogen atoms fuse, or join together» («Ядерное слияние… производит огромное количество энергии. При температурах около 14 миллионов градусов Цельсия два ядра водорода сливаются…» – фрагмент 3).