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There is no federal educational standard in the USA. Schooling and educational programmes are the responsibility of each state; this is why one can find great differences in education from state to state. No uniform demands exist on education in schools or universities throughout the nation. In most states attending school is obligatory for children between six and seventeen. Secondary education institutions include elementary schools and high schools.
Higher education in the USA is not nation-wide. Colleges differ a lot from each other in scale and level of education as well as in the “quality” of diplomas given. There are private and state universities. Private education is considered more prestigious. The most famous private university is Harvard. Higher education is rather expensive in the USA.

 Education in the United States of America

В тексте речь идет об образовании в Соединенных Штатах Америки, где не существует универсальных требований к образованию в школах и университетах («No uniform demands exist on education in schools or universities throughout the nation»). В большинстве штатов посещение школы является обязательным для детей в возрасте 6–17 лет («In most states attending school is obligatory for children between six and seventeen»). Учреждения среднего образования – это начальные и средние школы («Secondary education institutions include elementary schools and high schools»). Высшее образование в США не является общенациональным («Higher education in the USA is not nation-wide»).
Таким образом, правильный вариант ответа – «Education in the United States of America» («Образование в Соединенных Штатах Америки»).

Голубев А. П. Английский язык : учеб. пособие для студ. сред. проф. учеб. заведений / А. П. Голубев, Н. В. Балюк, И. В. Смирнова – 5-е изд., испр. – М. : Академия, 2007. – 336 с.